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√ Thông tin:
- Tên game: B-Wings
- Thể loại: Bắn máy bay
- Dung lượng (nén): 40.01 Kb
- Ngôn ngữ: English
- Phát triển và xuất bản: Data East
- Phát hành: Năm 1986 in Japan
- Nền tảng: NES
√ Hình ảnh:
1 115
2 113
3 80
√ Link Download:
B-Wings (Japan)
√ Cheat:
✪ Cheat Code Genie:
1. Start With 9 Lives (Instead of 3): PEUAZZLE
2. Start With 15 Lives (Instead of 3): YEUAZZLE
3. Start With 25 Lives (Instead of 3): POUAZZLE
4. Start With 50 Lives (Instead of 3): ZUUAZZLA
5. Start With 91 Lives: NUUAZZLE
6. Don'T Lose Your Weapon After Crashing: SXVXTLSA- SZKZEISA
7. Enable Secret Weapons Morphs: TEOLYULE
8. Enable Unlimited Morphs: ASEUZLEY
9. Infinite Lives: SLNZUSVK
10. Invincibility: SAUXGISZ
11. Stage Select Enabled: AAVLISYI
(Press Up or Down while on the Main Menu).
12. Start With Hidden Weapon 1: LENUGAPE
(Throws big bubbles and the ship has 2 iron balls orbiting it as a shield.You must Choose the default weapon in the weaponSelect menu. Don't move to another weapon).
13. Start With Hidden Weapon 2: IENUGAPE
(Throws 8 iron balls in 8 directions. The ship launches twice from the ship track though.You must Choose the default weapon in the weapon Select menu. Don'tmove to another weapon).
14. Can Morph Allways: GXEUZLAI

✪ Cheat Code RAW:
1. Disable 4 Way Laser Wall Glitch: 00A0:FF
2. Infinite Lives: 053E:03
3. Infinite Morphs: 0541:09
4. Invincibility: 0017:00
5. Wing Modifier: 00CF:??
0B-Hammer Laser
0C-4 Way Laser Wall
0D-Multi Hamer).

* Stage vs amp; weapons Select:
- At the title screen, first press and hold Up and then hold A; then release Up and then A. Then press and hold Right and then hold A; then release Right and then A. Press and hold Down and then hold A; then release Down and then A. Press and hold Left and then hold A; then release Left and then A. Finally press and hold Leftand press B. If done right, a sound should be heard. Now press up or down to select levels and while playing, pause the game and press Select to change weapons.
√ Chúc vui.
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